Saturday, September 23, 2006

When you see Citgo...

...think Hugo. From The Peoples Cube:

Michelle Malkin


Anonymous said...

Citgo sells there fuel at seven elevens . Never will I ever buy there gas. Americans need to WISE up to who are our enemys . First get the United Nations out of the USA, they dont do 1 thing to make this a safer world , they just stab us in the back and take our billions of dollars , food , medicine , relocate the UN to Iran or N. Korea or etc... And also to those of you that think the world hates us because of President Bush better read your history books , the world has disliked our COUNTRY and Presidents since WW 1 .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

mr. oc I can't believe it ..I agree with you 100% !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank heaven for 7-Eleven dropping 2,100 Citgo locations. See

The Citgo Web site used to report 15,000 stations. Then it dropped to "more than 13,000." Now what exactly is it? We can start the celebrations soon, I'm thinking they may be at about 10-11,000.