Thursday, November 16, 2006

UCLA: Where Nobody's Safe

Over on Easy-Writer:

And my reaction is one that any mother would have: Get your hands off my kid, get your threats out of my kid's face, get out you sons of a bitches. You excrement of humanity who live to mete humiliation and physical force to those who are weaker than you.

Whether or not this student in question was simply leaving on his own terms, or whether it was the more serious situation I've just described does not matter. What the loathesome creeps did that night tasered compassion, respect and dignity.


Anonymous said...

Let's put blame where blame belongs. If the individual in question would have carried his ID as required or if he would have complied with the officers, none of this would have happened.

Kanani said...

No. This does not warrant tasering.
Watch that video.
It's utterly disgusting. And now everyone here is going to be paying for the impatience and urge to go hands on of some very third rate cops who don't deserve to be wearing a badge.

Anonymous said...

The video shows a 6 minute snippet of the event. What may have occurred to escalate this situation is not on the video. We simply see what the person shooting the video wants us to see.

We live in a time where we are constantly under the threat of attack from extremists. They have promised to again bring their special brand of death and destruction to this country. Most people realize that this threat is very real. We have accepted small changes in our society to help keep us safe. To carry an ID card or consent to a random search before boarding a plane is a small price to pay for a piece of mind.

This person wanted to test the limits of their personal beliefs. I think he found those limits.