Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today in Labor History

May 14  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

Milwaukee brewery workers begin 10-week strike, demanding contracts comparable to East and West Coast workers. The strike was won because Blatz Brewery accepts their demands, but Blatz was ousted from the Brewers Association for “unethical” business methods - 1953

2013.05.13history-negotiation(The Negotiation Handbook is a helpful tool for anyone whose union work puts him or her at the negotiating table. The author is a former chairman of the National Mediation Board, where he spent five years helping labor and management work out their bargaining deadlocks. While his biography shows that he comes from the management side of the labor-management dynamic, his pointers on negotiating tactics and strategies—and his stories about difficult negotiations and how seemingly insurmountable conflicts were resolved—make for interesting and instructive reading. Sections include understanding hidden motivations, credibility, ego, “last issue” pressure, pointers on dealing with the media, and much more. If you spend any amount of time in negotiations, you’d benefit from this book.)

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