Louis Aguilar accident

Louie Aguilar on the left and Frank Diaz

From Emmett Jaime 

Hello to all,hope your having a good Holiday season. I wanted to let you all know that Louis Aguilar had a bad fall while walking down the sidewalk in his neighborhood. He fell on Dec.6 , he was takin to a nursing care facility in Pomona where he is being cared for for now. He hit his head and has a large hematoma on his right side. At this time his daughter doesn't know how long he will be there.
If you care to send him a get well care here is his address, I'm sure he would appreciate it.

Ed (Tex) Tallas Memorial Service

You are invited to attend his service:
January the 20th 2018 @ 3pm
Forest Lawn Memorial Parks and Mortuaries
6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068

In Memory of Los Angeles Times Colleagues that passed away in 2017


John Gaglio

Randy Kantor


James Moors

Elwood Fred Anderson

MARCH 2017

JW Phillips

APRIL 2017


Richard Jensen

JUNE 2017

Bryan Maceda 


Jose Renteria

Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

Rudy Adelshiam


Russell Burgess

Gary Connaught

Ed (Tex) Tallas


Steve Kawatski


Rickey Putman

Today in Labor History

December 31  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

Sixty thousand unemployed workers rally at a Pittsburgh stadium - 1931
United Mine Workers reformer Joseph "Jock" Yablonski, his wife and daughter are murdered by hit men hired by union president Tony Boyle, who was to be convicted of the crime and eventually die in prison - 1969
OSHA adopts a grain handling facilities standard to protect 155,000 workers at nearly 24,000 grain elevators from the risk of fire and explosion from highly combustible grain dust - 1987

Bye, bye web TV – hello online video

Bye, bye web TV – hello online video: The decline of linear TV has been a topic for a long time, today no one is questioning the fact that the way we consume TV and moving pictures has changed.Read more ...

Today in Labor History

December 30  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

Gathering in the back room of Behrens’ cigar shop in Sedalia, Mo., 33 railroad clerks form Local Lodge Number 1 of a union they named the Order of the Railroad Clerks of America - 1899
Idaho Gov. Frank Steunenberg, who had brutally suppressed the state’s miners, is killed by an assassin's bomb. Legendary Western Federation of Miners and IWW leader William "Big Bill" Haywood and two other men were put on trial for the death but were ultimately declared innocent - 1905
GM sit-down strike spreads to Flint, Mich., will last 44 days before ending in union victory - 1936

Friday, December 29, 2017

KK.no's digital-first strategy pays off

KK.no's digital-first strategy pays off: In 2018, Norway's preeminent magazine for women, KK, will celebrate its 145th birthday. While KK has plenty of history and tradition, its progressive owner, editor and staff are proving this title is anything but old media as usual.Read more ...

Merry tronc and a very happy Ferro

Merry tronc and a very happy Ferro

Honcho gifted with new $15 million consulting deal

Michael Ferro (as depicted by the Los Angeles Times Guild)

  • Michael Ferro (as depicted by the Los Angeles Times Guild)

Revenue Models That Work: Ken Doctor Keynote

Revenue Models That Work: Ken Doctor Keynote: An award winning publication and premier resource for insight, analysis and technology integration in newspaper, digital and hybrid production.

The latest Los Angeles Times appeal to reject the union

From: Kirk, Jim
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 8:57 AM
To: yyeditall
Subject: Update


As we move closer to the union vote, we remain committed to providing you with facts around unionization. As we have said in previous emails, the most important thing for our company is that you vote. Sitting out means you won’t have a chance to be heard.

There has been a lot of noise the last week, and once again, we feel it is important to set the record straight when it comes to understanding what unionization means and doesn’t mean. As journalists, we all know that facts matter more than hyperbole.

We also believe that an independent newsroom allowing managers and staffers to work together to produce the best journalism possible is essential to maintain the standards of excellence readers of the LA Times expect.

Our industry continues to face significant challenges. To be clear, unionization does not protect any company from making difficult decisions that sometimes need to be made to operate in a tough environment no matter what promises are made by union leaders.

So, as we head toward the Jan. 4th vote, we feel it is critical that you understand the facts about unionization and where the Los Angeles Times will go from here.

Some facts to consider:

Salary and Benefits: A union bargains for the collective group. What this means;

1. A third party will do the bargaining for salary and benefits for you.

2. A union does not give you a greater role in management decisions and cannot guarantee you a better salary, or even an annual increase. If the LA Times newsroom elects a union, all terms and conditions will be up for negotiation and the union may or may not be able to negotiate the same salary and benefits you currently receive. This is fact and you can look at its deals within the New York Times, Washington Post and others to see the facts. Until such a time that a new agreement is reached, the pre-union status quo would remain in place for terms and conditions while a contract is negotiated.

3. Unions historically negotiate set boundaries for compensation, and in some cases, have won raises. But unions cannot force a company to spend more and cannot protect against layoffs if a company does not meet its financial goals.

Executive compensation and Corporate Expenditures: Union organizers say that a union can “demand” that the Company redirect some of the executive compensation to the newsroom. Both sides can demand lots of things. However, executive compensation is not an item we have seen negotiated between management and the Guild in other newsrooms.

Work Rules: As part of the collective bargaining agreement, unions typically negotiate a set of work rules by which employees and managers must operate. Those rules often leave little room for flexibility for managers to work with employees to be creative in how news is covered. And many union contracts restrict supervisors from filling in for a union member and vice versa. In addition, flexibility around hours worked, time off and vacation time would all have to be negotiated.

We know that these are challenging times for our industry. We also believe that working on meeting those challenges head on can happen constructively with everyone in the newsroom. We believe that kind of dialogue should happen freely and openly.

Our newsroom is one of the best in the world for a reason. It is made up of individuals who are driven to do great, important work on a daily basis because they believe in the independence their work can do to right wrongs and make a difference in the community and beyond. Readers expect that from us and no one wants to change that.

Our doors are always open to discuss any question you might have around the vote on Jan. 4.

Lewis and Jim 

Fill it with facts

Fill it with facts: Irrefutable facts, context and depth – this is how media of today should meet the ongoing challenges. This is how we can move opinions and insights and keep exposing abuse of power, injustices and lies.Read more ...

Audience Engagement and “Obsessions” in US Newsrooms

Audience Engagement and “Obsessions” in US Newsrooms: Three trends from the World Editors Forum's recent Study Tour visits to top newsrooms in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and New York City.Read more ...

The Post Official Trailer [HD] 20th Century FOX

Steven Spielberg directs Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks in The Post, a thrilling drama about the unlikely partnership between The Washington Post’s Katharine Graham (Streep), the first female publisher of a major American newspaper, and editor Ben Bradlee (Hanks), as they race to catch up with The New York Times to expose a massive cover-up of government secrets that spanned three decades and four U.S. Presidents. The two must overcome their differences as they risk their careers – and their very freedom – to help bring long-buried truths to light.

The Post marks the first time Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have collaborated on a project. In addition to directing, Spielberg produces along with Amy Pascal and Kristie Macosko Krieger. The script was written by Liz Hannah and Josh Singer, and the film features an acclaimed ensemble cast including Alison Brie, Carrie Coon, David Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Tracy Letts, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, Jesse Plemons, Matthew Rhys, Michael Stuhlbarg, Bradley Whitford and Zach Woods.

Digital journalism: What will work in 2018

Digital journalism: What will work in 2018: Guest poster Kevin Anderson says 2018 can be a good year for news organizations – if they wholeheartedly embrace the audience-focused era. He points to publishers who have used data to improve their editorial and commercial performance and have begun to reclaim their relationship with their audiences from social media platforms.Read more ...

Newspaper Industry Events 2018

2018 Key Executives Mega-Conference
February 26 – 28, 2018
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego, CA

America East
March 12 – 14, 2018
Hershey Lodge & Convention Center
Hershey, PA

Digital Media Europe 2018
April 10 – 11, 2018
Copenhagen Denmark

America East
April 10-12, 2017
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Publish Asia 2018
April 24 – 26, 2018
Bail Indonesia

April 30 – May 3, 2017
Marriott French Quarter, New Orleans, LA

INMA World Congress of News Media
May 21-23, 2017
Times Center
New York

Metro Production Conference
May 31 – June 3, 2018
Saddlebrook Conference Center
Tampa, Fl

Metro Production Conference
June 1-3, 2017
Tampa, Florida
Saddlebrook Resort

70th World News Media Congress
World Editors Forum
June 6 – 8, 2018
Estoril, Cascais Portugal

Print '17
Sept. 10 - 14, 2017
Mid America Newspaper Conference
Sept. 21 – 23, 2017
Country Club Hotel & Spa, Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Graph Expo Conference & Tradeshow
September 30 – October 3, 2018
McCormick Place Convention Center
Chicago, Il

ING 2018 Annual Conference
Sept 28 – 30, 2018
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Chicago, IL

World Publishing Expo & Digital Content Expo
October 9 – 11, 2018
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany

IFRA World Publishing Expo and DCX Digital Conference
Oct. 10 – 12, 2017
Berlin, Germany

ING/Annual Leadership Summit
Oct 28 – 30, 2018
Joe McKinnon at (770) 263-3805

Taller de seguridad en México proporciona consejos vitales a periodistas y editores

Taller de seguridad en México proporciona consejos vitales a periodistas y editores: A principios de diciembre, editores y reporteros de todo México se reunieron en la capital del país para una capacitación en seguridad. Los formadores ofrecieron herramientas para periodistas, y trataron específicamente qué deben hacer los editores para mantener a los reporteros a salvo.Read more ...

Today in Labor History

December 29  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

After years of intensive lobbying by the labor movement, a comprehensive national safety law is enacted as President Nixon signs the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970, creating the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - 1970
More than 15,000 United Steel Workers members at 16 Goodyear Tire & Rubber plants end an 86-day strike, ratify 3-year contract - 2006

Scary Mommy: The rise of the identity brand

Scary Mommy: The rise of the identity brand: “Nail an identity and focus on that,” says Paul Smurl, the man who designed and led the successful New York Times digital subscriptions strategy. Smurl left the NYT in 2015 to become COO and president of Some Spider, the company behind the women's channel Scary Mommy. No legacy brand to rely on in this case, it's a complete reinvention.Read more ...

Debunking Tronc's anti-union talking points

Colleagues –

We’re excited about voting for the Guild on Jan. 4 and joining the unionized ranks of our peers at The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, AP and many others.

We’re determined to safeguard the future of The Los Angeles Times and the journalism our readers love.

In opposing our historic campaign, Tronc doesn’t have a good story to tell. So it’s resorted to misinformation and scare tactics. Here are some reality-based reminders:

Lavish executive pay

Tronc’s own financial filings show that it lavishes millions of dollars on excessive salaries, bonuses, stock awards and perks for a handful of top executives. Tronc just gave Chairman Michael Ferro a sweetheart deal that pays him $5-million a year to provide “consulting services” to his own company. He gets all the money up front at the start of the year, and what he does with it is entirely his choice.

This is on top of the nearly $5 million Tronc has already spent to lease Ferro a private jet from one of his own firms.

Tronc has struggled to defend these outlays -- and claims that executive compensation falls outside our Guild negotiations. Wrong. Once we unionize, we can demand that Tronc redirect some of those millions to the newsroom. Our readers and our city will be watching.

Continue reading at the Los Angeles Times Guild

Thursday, December 28, 2017

UNO: ‘El primer medio nativo móvil de Argentina’

UNO: ‘El primer medio nativo móvil de Argentina’: Como otras tantos grupos mediáticos tradicionales, el argentino Grupo América se propuso identificar nuevas maneras de capturar a una audiencia jóven. Con su nuevo producto UNO, el grupo ha dado al equipo de 10 personas detrás de él la oportunidad de experimentar con nuevos formatos y expresiones para atraer a los millennials. Read more ...

Rickey Putman Rest in Peace

Rickey Putman, 47, passed away on December 21st, 2017 and will be missed by his family and friends. Mr. Putman was well known at the Los Angeles Times as one of the organizers that helped bring the Graphic Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to the press room at the Los Angeles Times. Fly high Brother Putman.

Schibsted's Rian Liebenberg: 'We need to stock up on tech proficiency'

Schibsted's Rian Liebenberg: 'We need to stock up on tech proficiency': Guest poster Lars Herlin of the AIM Group interviewed Schibsted's tech guru Rian Liebenberg about his new role in the company and his views of upcoming technologies.Read more ...

ONEcount integrates with PostUp

ONEcount integrates with PostUp: “PostUp is a leading player and they excel in the area of high-volume e-mail campaigns, A/B testing, and, most importantly for our customer base, audience development,” said Sean Fulton, vice president of technology for ONEcount.

Today in Labor History

December 28  --  Union Communications Services, Inc.

The coffee percolator is patented by James H. Mason of Franklin, Mass., placing himself forever in the debt of millions of caffeine-dependent working people – 1865

Auto workers begin sit-down strike for union recognition at GM’s Fisher Body plant in Cleveland - 1936
Country music legend Hank Williams attends what is to be his last musicians’ union meeting, at the Elite (pronounced E-light) café in Montgomery, Ala.  He died of apparent heart failure three days later in the back seat of a car driving north.  He was 29 - 1952

December 27

President Roosevelt seizes the railroads to avert a nationwide strike. His decision to temporarily place the railroads under the “supervision” of the War Department prompts the five railroad brotherhoods to agree to his offer to arbitrate the wage dispute - 1943

December 26 
Knights of Labor founded. Constitution bars from membership “parasites,” including stockbrokers and lawyers - 1869
Workingmen’s Party is reorganized as the Socialist Labor Party - 1877

December 25

A dynamite bomb destroys a portion of the Llewellyn Ironworks in Los Angeles, where a bitter strike was in progress – 1910

Fourteen servicemen from military bases across the U.S., led by Pvt. Andrew Stapp, form The American Servicemen’s Union (ASU). The union, which never came close to being recognized by the government, in its heyday during the Viet Nam war claimed tens of thousands of members and had chapters at bases, on ships and in Viet Nam. ASU demands included the right to elect officers - 1967 

China shutters thousands of websites

China shutters thousands of websites: Wang Shengjun, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, informed lawmakers of the closures in a cyberspace briefing Dec. 24, Xinhua reported.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Pampa News gets new thermal CTP

Pampa News gets new thermal CTP: The move compresses the time needed to output the day’s plates and cuts the number of staff in the department by one, said a release from alfa CTP Systems.

What a GREAT Christmas present from Homeland Security

After more than two years of paperwork we have finally reached the finish line for Merly's permanent resident card, also know as The Green Card. We have her initial interview on January 22nd, 2018 in San Bernardino, California. Without the green card we're unable to apply for a California identity card from the Department of Motor Vehicles, or get a social security card for Merly. And I always assumed anyone could get the ID cards easily, I was misinformed. The green card also allows us to leave the country for a trip back to the Philippines sometime in May, 2018. Without the green card Merly would not be allowed back into The States. This is a very memorial Christmas present indeed as we didn't expect to have an interview with Homeland Security for many months from now.  We should have Merly's green card at the end of February, 2018.

Union reaches settlement for 16 GateHouse papers

Union reaches settlement for 16 GateHouse papers: “Rather than negotiating separately in small groups, our members are facing a common adversary together. This agreement provides a great platform for future negotiations,” said Bernie Lunzer, NewsGuild president.