Sunday, February 18, 2007

Honesty is Alive and Well at Olympic

Here at the Los Angeles Times production facility, called Olympic after Olympic Blvd, thefts are increasing at an alarming rate. Damage to company, as well as personal, property has shown a steady upswing. As management points the blame on pressroom employees, the full time workers for the newspaper look at all the outsiders working for other companies as the culprits.

On Super Bowl Sunday I worked overtime for a friend that wanted to view the game, as I rushed to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee, I pulled out my small wad of money and placed it on the counter. Then preceded to pull out my change from my pocket, the only worker on duty in the cafeteria was in the back washing dishes, to leave my eighty-one cents on the counter. In my haste, I left my money on the counter.

When I discovered my mistake, I thought I would never see my money again, as anything not bolted down seems to walk away. I thought I would call the cafeteria anyway, just incase Juanita had found my money. I was floored when she told me security had recovered my wad of money, and the security guard even delivered the money to my printing press.

Sergeant Syed Akbar is a very honest man, and it certainly is a comfort knowing we have some of the best security around the Times watching over the building and employees.

Thank you Sergeant Akbar.

1 comment:

  1. Refreshing to know that some still live by the phrase, "Honesty is the best policy."

    Kudos to Juanita and Sergeant Akbar for their virtue. They will surely get their just rewards.



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