Thursday, February 15, 2007

Los Angeles Times versus Teamsters

Hearings begin this morning, at the National Labor Relations Board, regarding charges of unfair election tactics, prior to the union election at the Los Angeles Times. On January 6th, 2007 the Teamsters won a heated union campaign by a margin of 140 to 131.

After the election, several pressroom employees came forward, claiming they had been coerced into voting for the union against their will.

Many in the pressroom are under the impression, this is an open and shut case, but nothing could be further from the truth. Take a look at the Santa Barbara News-Press, the editorial department voted 43 to 6 in favor of union representation back in September, 2006. They are still in court attempting to certify their Teamsters election, as employees are terminated by the owner of the newspaper.

UPDATE: Word from the labor board hearing "It is moving very slowly". 3:25 p.m.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Ed, that would be certify their election not ratify a contract.

  2. Thanks a million for the correction.

  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The feeling we still receive in OC pressroom is still divided.Sorry to say it but the truth of the matter was we were a lot closer before all of this.Will be much happier when all is said and done.See Ya

  4. I will have to agree with you Anonymous NO. 3; the pressroom has a different feel among the co-workers since the election.


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