Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Media Links

News War: The LA Times vs. Tribune and Readers Lose - Fishbowl LA
KCET broadcast Frontline's series News War last night, as counter programming for American Idol, never guessing that someone could actually want to watch both. This episode, What's Happening to the News, which examimes the struggles of the LA Times, will repeat this Friday and the website has the whole series.

LA Times Erin Kaplan confirms she's out - LAObserved
I'm disappointed but not very surprised, given the state of the Trib," she tells LA Observed. "They said they were cutting 2 others, but not sure who".

Stephen Talbot was online Wednesday - Washington Post
Thank you, thank you for finally using airtime to show the steady demise of original reporting. I hope your story has some effect particularly for the reporters at the Los Angeles Times. Wall Street says we all want "info snacking" and local news -- we don't.

Mark Cuban in Megabucks Bid for Cubs - Fresh Intelligence
Billionaire blogger Mark Cuban is more serious about buying a major league baseball team than he's been letting on. The tech entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner is set to offer $625 million to buy the Chicago Cubs from Tribune Co., according to a source familiar with the matter.

Can Sam Zell save Tribune from itself? - Blogging Stocks
With all of the hubbub surrounding Tribune Co. (NYSE:TRB), you would think that the company was some red-hot startup that throngs of companies were eager to buy. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.

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