Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Meeting Will Campbell

Last Saturday after grabbing a few hours sleep (I worked till 4:00 a.m. Sat. morning) I decided I would venture from San Dimas in an attempt to locate Will Campbell (Metro Blogging) and his followers on his twenty-four mile walk of Sunset Blvd.

The plan was to start walking from Alameda and Sunset at 7:00 a.m., with the walk concluding at Gladstone’s in Malibu. I calculated they would cover three miles per hour, and I wasn’t too far from the mark.

I departed San Dimas at 2:30 p.m., taking the Santa Monica Freeway to the 405, and left the freeway at the Sunset exit. As I drove south along the winding road I wondered how they made it around the bends without being hit by a passing car.

Taking it for granted the group would consist of eight or nine hearty souls, I was starting to lose any hope of locating the group as I neared the ocean. As I started down the last leg of Sunset I saw a very tall man with a woman behind him walking at a brisk pace on the left side of the street. Turning around in my car I pulled up and asked, “Are you Will?” and he said YES!

I drove the last two miles to Gladstone’s where Will, Lisle, and myself enjoyed a cold drink together after they completed the 24-mile walk, and naturally chatted about blogging and the Internet.

I suggested to Will to submit his resume to the Times for consideration for the Times online edition, and he said he had already done so.

It’s a lot of fun meeting the people behind the blogs I read daily, I hope to meet others as time goes by.

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