Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Message From Russ Staton - LAT Innovation Editor

To: The Staff
From: Russ Stanton, Innovation Editor

Tracy Boucher, copy desk chief in Features, has been named deputy innovation editor. In her new post, Tracy joins Aaron Curtiss as one of two senior-level editors helping all of us figure out how to best combine our print and online newsrooms into one larger journalistic operation.

Tracy is uniquely suited to this challenge, bringing an intimate knowledge of the Features operation - literally from 1st Street to 2nd Street - as well as a different perspective from the production end. She wins high marks from both colleagues and supervisors for her outstanding news judgment, frightening organizational skills (she's making a list about something right now) and great way with people.

Tracy joined The Times as a copy-editing intern in Calendar in 1992. She became a full-time copy editor in 1993, in the Orange County edition, where she rose to assistant copy desk chief. She moved downtown in 2002, where she has split her time between Features (specifically, Food, Home, Health, TV Times) and the Metro desk.

Before The Times, Tracy was a copy editor at The Orange County Register and an intern and part-time copy editor at the St. Petersburg Times and Orlando Sentinel. She is a 1992 graduate of the University of Florida.

Tracy is a Florida native and by way of association a football fan, which explains her fascination with the powerhouse that is her alma mater (we'll be wearing lots of blue and orange, I fear) and which this year could beat the other object of her desire, the Miami Dolphins.

Source LAObserved

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