Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Blog at the LA Times

The Los Angeles Times has launched yet another blog, I wonder if the writers for the newspaper have time for a personal life, on immigration. The blog is most likely being constructed, as the link is yet to appear on my screen.

Matt Welch's Opinion LA Blog has been given a boost with articles by Patt Morrison, it is obvious she didn't need Internet 101 classes being taught to many of the editors and writers by the newspaper this week. Another blog contributor, Jon Healey, has really impressed me with his blogging improvements the last two weeks, the classes are paying off.

With all the new additions (blogs) and responsibilities placed on the editors and writers at the Times, new staffers are needed. So I will again tout my new friend Will Campbell from Metro-Blogging, he would fit in nicely with the staff and needs no training as he is an experienced blogger.

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