Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Owners of Tribune Company - Employees

Mark Lacter at LA Biz Observed has a reaction to this mornings proposal regarding the future of the Tribune Company.

"The Chicago Tribune reports that Zell is proposing a deal in which his firm would work with an employee stock ownership plan to buy up all of Tribune stock and then take the company private. There are a couple of obvious plusses: ESOPs allow writeoffs on the money used to pay back the debt taken on to buy the company; and it gets the Chandler family, which currently owns 20 percent of Tribune and has been a huge pain in the neck, out of the picture. Of course, it also means that Tribune employees would be the new owners of what's currently a pretty lousy company."


  1. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Of course, it also means that Tribune employees would be the new owners of what's currently a pretty lousy company."

    Would the Union then be negotiating with it’s own members? I wonder how the “new owners” would feel about the union? Hummmmmm..... kind of paints a interesting picture doesn’t it!

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    get off the anti union remarks move on ,the company or the union doesn't care about you. if the company was so great people would not be making these remarks.The Tribune created the mess and the debt not the union for the record I voted NO!

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "Move on" they say......

    Remember "When good men do nothing, they get nothing good done".


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