Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Subscribe to the Los Angeles Times

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Use this link to get the employee discount - 50% off home delivery of the Los Angeles Times for as long as you're a subscriber.

Enter employee code 051627

This special offer good for new subscribers only.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Why would I do that?????

    What have they done for me lately besides "rape" the paper that was!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Anonymous they are finally having a promotion and you are being bitter.
    You said.... "What have they done for me lately besides "rape" the paper that was"!!!!

    What have you done for the company lately? Do you give any extra effort towards your job and not expect a thank you?

    When was the last time your LAT paycheck bouced?


  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    It's all about ME
    I do not need this paper
    Then why do you not help yourself
    AND QUIT????

  4. Anonymous number one, what would you like the company to do for you?

    None of us have enjoyed all the changes at the newspaper, but if the changes had not been made, would we still be in business today?

    By adding subscribers, we not only help the company, but we help ourselves.

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM


    Subscribers want value for their hard earned money. There is little value in the Times as a result of what Tribune has done to the Times. I would rather pay for a "true" local paper and the internet than the Times. It didn't have to be that way (remember zones, and local "B" sections) but when "wall street" rules the customer (and employees) takes a back seat! Is a 10% profit margin good enough so that customers can get value for their money? I think so, but apparently Tribune feels that more than 20% is needed regardless of the cost to you and I!


    Anonymous "Number One"

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    10% profit is too low a margin of error for a company that only brings in 1.1 billion. We're not Exxon ($360 billion in sales, 10% profit). A 10% profit margin can easily become 6-7% based on economic conditions. Remember, Tribune spent $8 billion for Times Mirror, a 10% return is only approximately $250 million per year. They would have been better off investing the $8 billion in a mutual fund and not inherited the headaches. As a reminder, Tribune was very profitable BEFORE they bought the Times, the financial trouble started AFTER the merger.

  7. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anonymous#4 Tribune was a sleep at the wheel after they aquired TM. They did NOTHING to make the properties they purchased more valuable. Tribune executives simply loaded the boxcars with all of the loot.


  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Spoken like a true "Wall Streeter". I wish you could have spoken to Otis about what was more important. He felt that his employees where more important than a “obscene” margin. Did you ever go to The Chicago Tribune before Tribune bought Times Mirror and talked to their employees? If you had you would not have felt very good when it was announced that they were buying Times Mirror. Maybe Tribune made a real big mistake by paying such a high premium for Times Mirror and the LA Times, because they sure as heck have shown that they know very little about the Southern California market! Jeff figured it out.... but he didn’t last long did he!

    You said “As a reminder, Tribune was very profitable BEFORE they bought the Times, the financial trouble started AFTER the merger.” My point exactly... thanks for making it!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.