Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Trickle Down Theory History at Tribune

Congratulations to the Tribune Company in rewarding stock to the executives at Tribune Tower for a job well done. For additional information click on each name, for all insider trading.

And they say pressmen are crybabies

R MALLORY - Shares 10,000
Controller & Vice President

LUIS E LEWIN - Shares 10,000
Senior Vice President

RUTHELLYN M MUSIL - Shares 14,000
Senior Vice President

TIMOTHY J LANDON - Shares 25,000

THOMAS D LEACH - Shares 30,000
Senior Vice President

CRANE H KENNEY - Shares 40,000
Secretary, Senior Vice President & General Counsel

JOHN E REARDON - Shares 40,000

SCOTT C SMITH - Shares 50,000

DONALD C GRENESKO -Shares 52,750
Senior Vice President

DENNIS J FITZSIMONS - Shares 135,000
Chairman & President


  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The have nots vs the have Yachts.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    This would be acceptable if the company stock was doing well. We all know the stock is in the tank and morale is at an all time low. What will our raise be next month??

    Has anyone been to the OC facility lately? It looks like a 3rd world factory in Central America. The equipment in this facility is SHAMEFUL, nothing works right, and when things break it takes weeks for it to get fixed.

    The executive stock option should be merit based. Do you all meet your goals for this year? If your goals were met the expectation must have been low.

    To all execs, enjoy your stock you worked hard for it.


  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I agree mr..oc it must be nice to get a little extra cash even if ones performance
    is qustionable ( not like in the pressroom make a mistake loose your raise )


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