Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What Makes A Person a Hero?

I just returned home from work and got on the internet to catch up on world events. The story that caught my eye was the one declaring off-duty police officer Ken Hammond a hero for engaging in a gun battle with a person who wanted to kill a large number of people at a mall. This lead me to think about the type of people I consider heros. Certainly someone like Officer Hammond is a hero, that goes without saying. My definition of a hero is someone who risks his/her own life, comfort or safety to protect and serve others. My friend, Carlos, who is being reactivated in the Marine Corp to serve in Iraq, yet again fits in my "hero" category.

There are heros in everyone's life. The question is, do we recognize them as heros or do we take them for granted? My question to you readers is, what is your definition of a hero? Please feel free to comment or even give praise to your hero. I would love to read your comments!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. God bless you all. Please pray for our troops and their loved ones because they are apart and without each other on Valentine's Day.

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