Friday, March 02, 2007

Mark Kurtich on LAT Subscriptions

DATE: March 2, 2007
FROM: Mark Kurtich
SUBJECT: LAT Subscriptions
TO: Operations Colleagues

The Friends & Family Discount Program is an extremely important initiative. I strongly encourage every Operations’ employee participate. Every one of us should be a 7-day subscriber because paid circulation is the lifeblood of our core business. Advertisers today place the highest value on paid circulation when they decide where to invest their ad dollars. Programs that traditionally added circulation through non-paid means are undesirable.

Those of us who produce the newspaper should value paid circulation as much as advertisers do. All of us should be 7-day subscribers. If you are not, please consider upgrading or purchasing a 7-day subscription. If you already are, ask a friend or relative to show their support by subscribing.

Remember, more paid circulation attracts more advertising and readers value advertising just as they do the news and information around the ads.

Let’s show our pride in The Times, in the newspaper and in our work by getting behind this effort. If we don’t value our product enough to buy it, why should consumers?

As an employee, you get a 50% discount to receive the finest paper in the country.



  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Why don't you take pride in the times!

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    To Whom It May Concern,

    Hello, I'm a Twenty-year old O.C. college student who has read a newspaper religiously over the past few years. After my grandmother's passing earlier this year we no longer recieved the O.C. Register from her work. So for the past couple months we have been without a newspaper to read in the morning. I've been asking my dad for a newspaper and after he read this article he ordered the L.A. Times later that night online. We just recieved the paper this morning, Sunday March 4th and thank you for providing a great product. It's great to finally have a paper on Sunday morning!

    Danny Satterlee

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "If we don’t value our product enough to buy it, why should consumers?"


    The better question might be “if consumers don’t value our product enough to buy it, why should we!

    Content is the key for consumers... The Register has it the Times doesn't!!!

  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    In O.C. I'll take the register it offers news in my area I don't want to read about L.A. I don't live their I wish they would bring back prep sports it costs to much to print the register prints prep sports as a consumer it has what I need if the times or tribune tried to be a O.C. paper I would buy it.

  5. Young Mr. Satterlee has made me smile.

    It just goes to show that it doesn't matter where you are. The young man simply wants to keep abreast of what's happening in the world and, apparently, the Times is providing him with the info he wants.

    I have been reading at least 3 newspapers each day for many years. It's a part of my day and I would be lost without it.

    Mr. Satterlee, continue to read and enjoy your newspaper. Encourage your peers to do the same, as you are our future. Knowledge and information is power.

    Kudos to your dad, as well, for quenching your thirst for news, knowledge and information!


  6. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I take LOTS of pride making the paper, giving 150% every single day, sweating my butt off, running up and down the cat walk making sure everything is up to par to put out the best quality paper, but by taking a subscription is like taking a pay cut. I am allow to read what I print, this management idea is going the wrong way, like many others.
    Oly operator


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.