Friday, March 09, 2007

A Message From Jack

From: Klunder, Jack
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 8:34 AM
To: zzAll LATimes Employees
Subject: A message from Jack!
This is Jack Klunder checking in with all of my good friends and colleagues at the Los Angeles Times.

Certainly you must be sick and tired of seeing my ugly mug plastered all over this place. I am. And, you also may be asking yourself, why all of the fuss over subscribing to our great paper?
It’s because too many of us don’t subscribe.

To those of you who do, a heartfelt thanks, but the fact remains there are too many of us with too many reasons for not subscribing. Is it because you don’t care? Is it because you get it at the office? Price? Regardless of your lame excuse, all of us should be subscribing to our great paper. Why we don’t escapes me.

I have spent 30 years in this business trying to convince Southern Californians to subscribe to the Times. And, I’ve heard every reason imaginable why people don’t. But that should not include any of us.

Every employee needs to understand the delivery experience, our print quality, having to call our customer service center in Manila, paying the invoice and using the IVR, just as all of our customers must do. We all need to fully understand what it’s like to have a missed delivery or a call that is not handled properly. Otherwise, we’ll never get better as an organization. In short, we all need to care!

So, three weeks into this in-house promotion, hundreds of our employees still don’t subscribe. Do you care? Do you have a passion for the future success of this great newspaper? We all should, but sometimes I wonder.

Go ahead and be offended by this note if you choose to be. Send me your e-mails of complaint if you want. I welcome them. But, I will say this . . . I didn’t come back to the Times to be mediocre. We have enough people and organizations taking pot shots at us out there. Let’s do something about it.

Let’s start right here . . . right now. I challenge all of you to pony-up and put your money where it counts. Sign up at our website or call 1-800-LATIMES and ask for the employee discount rate. You get half off the regular price and so do your friends and family. Heck most of us spend more money on a cup of coffee each morning than it costs to subscribe to the paper.

How do we expect our friends and neighbors to subscribe if they don’t see the paper land on our own driveways?

The Los Angeles Times has been on my driveway since I was a little kid. Make sure it’s on yours too.

Source Russ Newton


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Hey Jack why don't you start with TRB. Ask TRB if they care if they pride or have passion.Maybe it's about 20% profit for bigwigs.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    WOW I am stunned!!!
    All LA Times employees should take a long look at CCN, not listen to JACK!!
    Why you ask?…While greedy CEO’s rape the LA Time and try to shame good employees
    To spend there hard earned money. AT this vary Moment they (Management) are contracting with Personal Plus (Rent-a-Bodies) in order to dump hard working full time employees at CCN.
    Take note!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    If our paper were a little more conservative more people might read it!

  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

    If consumers don’t value our product enough to buy it, why should we!

    Content is the key for consumers... The Times doesn't have it!!! Tribune's failed miserably at creating a "local" paper and I'm afraid all they have done is "gutted" a great one that was on par with the NYT and the WPost!!

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Hey Jack - It is a liberal rag - and appears to support abortion, illegal immigration, the democratic party, gun control, homos, and everthing else that stinks and it would be a sin for me to support those who support the aforementioned crap. Get the picture big guy? When they change their minds - I might too. Eddo

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hey Jack! You don't know jack!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.