Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Subscribers Wanted

As the subscription drive at the Los Angeles Times draws to an end in eight days I made an effort yesterday to gain a few additional new subscribers. One hundred thirty-six subscription cards were placed on my neighbors doors, not by myself, my grandson David did all the legwork for me.

Nothing in life is free, so I paid David $20.00 for helping out, and also promised a new pair of shoes for him. I was going to purchase his new shoes anyway, but I want him to feel he earned the shoes for the work he completed.

A big thank you goes to our plant manager, Greg Malcolm, for supplying the discount cards that are missing from the pressroom.

If you’re a Times employee and subscriber to the newspaper, but not receiving the employee discount, contact me and I’ll direct you to the correct parties to have this resolved.

The Los Angeles Times Friends and Family offer ends on March 26th, this special offer will give you the newspaper at half off the regular price as long as you remain a subscriber.

Follow this link to the new subscriber page and enter my employee number to start your newspaper today. 051627


  1. Ed,

    Because I had to leave home this morning to get a paper, I decided to follow up on the discounted offer and subscribe.

    So, there! You have another subscription under your belt:-)


  2. Nubia,

    Thank you for making my efforts payoff in new subscrptions to the Times.

    One of my co-workers made a sarcastic remark regarding adding new subscribers, he said "I bet you gave subscription cards to all of your neighbors", which at the time I had not thought of doing. But, because of this remark, I covered my neighborhood with subscription cards, with the help of David.

    Thanks so much again,

    This make three subscriptions so far, I may have more, just don't know yet?

  3. You should thank your coworker for his sarcastic remarks. I'll bet he didn't think he was opening up a door of opportunity for you:-)

    Good luck in your efforts. It shows a true dedication (on your part) to the organization. Let's hope it's recognized by the "Powers That Be." And if it isn't, you can take solice in knowing that you gave it your best shot and you'll receive your just rewards in due time.


  4. I'm a long time subscriber

    I'm sending this out to friends.


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