Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Pajama Party

Recently, I was invited to a pajama party to be hosted by a friend I recently met through another friend. Of course, this was a first-timer for me and I was clearly skeptical. However, I've always been open to new adventures, so I figured, "What the heck?" Adventures, most times, open one up to a whole new world. And this one did!

My friends and I decided to take a taxi to the party because we knew we would indulge in a few spirits. We arrived in our P.J's set on having a great first-time experience. Needless to say, all were clad in pajamas, slippers, bra-less, and enjoying all the comforts of not being restricted.

We were greeted by the hosts and all in attendendance. Introductions were in abundance, with hugs and pleasant salutations. The venue was absolutely lovely, with lots of food, drinks and good company. We were given a tour of the place and it was just breath-taking! The party was a potluck and the variety of dishes was never-ending. I think I had the best menudo (with all the trimmings) I've ever had!

Then came the serious socializing. Drinks galore, boxes and boxes of Cuban cigars, stories, music, exchanging of contact information, you name it. Then the dancing! It was great.

At the end of the evening, dates were made to have lunch, hang out and just plain keep in touch! It was an AWESOME evening!

Thanks to the hosts:-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Pajama parties rock! Everyone should go to at least one in their adult lifetime.


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