Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Take Back the Times: A Lot Rides On LAT April Circulation Figures

Take Back the Times: A Lot Rides On LAT April Circulation Figures

I know that Jack Klunder has returned as circulation manager, and he is skillful and well-liked. But without investment in the Times future by the Tribune Co., as long as it remains the owner, circulation cannot really go up to any degree. At least, that's my impression. As Mark Willes remarked to me many years ago after he had been around for awhile, circulation is a battle. He had come in as CEO of Times-Mirror with the stated goal of doubling circulation to about two million, But he found out this was impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Yup...But Mark Willes sure got HIS in the amount of 60 - 90 million payoff


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