Monday, March 12, 2007

They're Waiting

For those of you who don't know, my son-in-law is in the U.S. Army and currently serving in Iraq. He and my daughter got married last April and he was deployed in August. She has been brave and strong for him when they video-teleconference and I, in turn, have tried to keep her spirits up. She's living in Hawaii (he's stationed at Schofield Barracks), but is ready to come home. She posted the following on her MySpace blog and it brought tears to my eyes because there are so many like her.

"I got this from a bulletin and I wanted to share it with everyone...The truth military wives faceI would like to recognize these often underestimated, unseen, and unheard heroes.This is for the sad miltiary wives, the angry miltiary wives,and the strong miltiary wives.This is for the young women that are waking up at 6 a.m. every morning, laying out clothes and packing three lunches for those small precious children that they have been left alone to care for.This is for the pregnant miltiary wife wondering if her husband will make it home in time to watch their miracle happen.This is for the childless military wife, living in a town or on a base alone where she is a complete stranger to her surroundings.This is for the women that feel like a third leg when they go out with their friends and their husbands.This is for the miltiary wife that canceled all her plans to wait by the phone, and even though the phone broke up and cut off every time you spoke to him you waited anyway.This is a pledge to the women that cry themselves to sleep in an empty bed.This is to recognize the woman that felt like she was dying inside when he said he had to go, but smiled for him anyway.This is for those of you that are faithfully in that long line at the post office once a month, handling 2 large boxes and 2 small children like a pro.This is for that woman that decided to remodel the house to pass time, and then realized that she had no idea what she was doing and sighed and wished she had a little help.This is for all the lonely nights, all the one-person dinners, and all of the wondering thoughts because you haven't heard from him in days.A toast to you for falling apart, and putting yourselves back together. Because a pay check isn't enough, a body pillow in your bed is no consolation, and a web cam can never compare.This is for all of you no matter how easy or hard this was for you. Our Marines/soldiers/airmen/sailors/coasties are brave, they are heroes, but so are we.So the next time someone tells you that they would never marry a miltiary guy, don't bother explaining to them that you can't control who you fall in love with. Just think of this and nod your head, know that you are the stronger woman.Hold your heads up high, hang that flag in your front yard, stick 100 magnets on your car, and then give yourself a pat on the back."

Please pray for the members of our military serving all over the world, and for the heros they had to leave behind.


  1. My prayers be with your daughter and other military wives, as well as the soldiers fighting for WHATEVER it is their fighting for.

    BUSH BE DAMNED! (Now, comment on THAT, Folks! I welcome it.)


  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Nubia " WHATEVER IT IS THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR " Lets start with your FREEDOM to SPEAK, WRITE, whatever you please, along with your FREEDOM to DAMM your PRESIDENT. Try speaking against your PRESIDENT in China, North Korea, Cuba, etc.etc. There are many of us with loved ones serving this great Country of ours, and would appreciate it if you have nothing positive to say regarding the MILITARY to keep your DAM MOUTH SHUT!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.