Saturday, March 24, 2007

Tribune Sale

With all the ado during the week over the actions of one editor at the newspaper, the employees at the Los Angeles Times were distracted from the pending sale of the Tribune Company, at least for a moment.

I am one of the 21,000 Tribune employees across America, that was not asked if I wanted my retirement used to finance the Sam Zell deal, or any other self-help plan the Chicago committee may recommend.

Talk at the Times centers on many different scenarios the company may opt to take, and how these plans will influence the workers and their future at the newspaper.

The majority of my colleagues have no clue that Andres Martinez was an editor for the newspaper, but I’m not mad at them. I have no clue who Kobe might be, he plays baseball I think?

It would be great to hear from Dennis FitzSimons or David Hiller on how the different plans would change my life and retirement, because I have no clue at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Not know Kobe???? My grandmother knows who she is and she's got Alzheimers...


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