Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Comments on Massacre

Everyone deals with stress in different ways from tuning out the media or speaking out on the Internet. Here’s what being said on the blogosphere this morning regarding the tragedy yesterday.

Will Campbell: "The portraits are emerging now. Of the victims and their killer. In the crescendo of questions yesterday I sought out the solice of the setting sun and the sand and the sea. I found some and attempted to capture it".

Darleene Powells: "After seeing the news at the top of Yahoo this morning, and watching tidbits of it on CNN, I knew immediately that local news outlets would head to my alma mater, Cal State Fullerton, which was previously the site of another horrific shooting rampage".

Kanani Fong: "It is a sad, shocking day. This time the gunman was asian, he was a senior undergraduate student who wore a baseball cap and blue jeans. In the past we have had troubled children, poor, middle class and well-to-do teenagers, and disgruntled employees pulling the trigger".

Eric Spillman: "The most compelling journalism from the coverage of the shooting spree in Virginia was cell phone video taken by a student. No doubt you saw it. CNN played it incessantly".

Dean Barnett: "On the train, people began whispering about something happening at Virginia Tech. Working our cell phones, we found out something incredibly, unbelievably terrible had occurred. Getting the full report was like taking a kick to the gut. So many young people dying so senselessly…".

Hugh Hewitt: "As I watch the coverage, and grieve --incompletely-- with the moms and dads and grandparents and siblings and close friends, roomates, best friends far away, boyfriends and girlfriends and teammates and classmates and teachers and all survivors, all I can say is that I pray that that you will be comforted".

Ken Reich: "If we are ever to discourage the frequent repetition of such crimes (there have been several in the last year, including particularly poignant shootings in a Colorado high school and an Amish elementary school in Pennsylvania), then we must act, as citizens, to build the most powerful support for measures that will reduce the number of guns and make them more difficult for such loners as the Virginia Tech shooter, Cho Seung Hui, to obtain".

Sean Bonner: " This isn't locally related, but there was a major shooting this morning in Virginia at Virginia Tech University and so far at least 32 people are confirmed dead. A single gunman was involved in two separate instances. Our sister blog Metroblogging DC is posting news and info as they get it. More updates will be posted there as they come in".

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