Sunday, April 08, 2007

Eat Off My Floor

It's been a while since I last posted and you may not take an interest in this, but I just have to say:

Between errands and engagements this weekend, I decided it was time to do some Spring cleaning. And Spring cleaning, I did! Started Friday with the kitchen and living room. Saturday was family room and bedroom. Today, a bathroom. Top to bottom! You could actually eat off my floor! Sounds crazy, but it's true. Next weekend, another bedroom, bathroom and the dining room.

I've called it quits now. There's also luggage to unpack, but it will just sit until I have enough energy to tackle it. Not as spunky as I used to be.

Living alone, I figured it wouldn't be so bad. Was I ever WRONG! Deep cleaning is NO JOKE! You don't realize how dirt and dust creep in and make itself right at home. Wish I could catch up with them and make them pay rent!

Took some time out to spend with friends on Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful day. Now it's time to prepare to meet the man in the morning. SHUCKS!

Hope your Easter was a blessed one!


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