Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Imus Fallout

From the most recent issue of Time Magazine: April 23, 2007


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Let me start by saying Imus was a fool for saying what he said.
    Unfortunately this and other sugestive behavior is ok in all aspects of todays society. Like I said he was wrong.

    I do not agree with him being fired from CBS or MSNBC I think all of the executives are a bunch of spineless cowards. They have NO PROBLEM with all of the wrappers spewing such nastiness. Executives collect all of the money and ignore what the black community says about women. Than all of a sudden a white man says something about women and look out he may as well be the devil.

    I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are a joke. What have they done for the black community other than create hysteria? The only person that speaks the truth about the black community is Bill Cosby and NOBODY wants to here that.

    Politicians are a bunch of worthless hypocrites too, come election time you suddenly see them at some black church... Why doesnt the black community see through that fraud?

    Yes what Imus said was deplorable but what about all of the good he has done for sick and dying children? Has Sharpton and Jackson helped the sick and dying? That I do not know , It just seems to me they are to worried about shaking down corporations for money and making threats.

    I am sick and tired of this victim mentality. If you were born into poverty and you were dealt a bad hand as a child I am sorry get over it. Everybody has an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to achieve greatness in this country, some just dont choose to do great things. If you dont choose to do great things it is only yourself to blame not others holding you down.

    All of this is because of a breakdown in the American family at home. All of the prior generations NEVER tolerated this kind of stupidity. The very people that say if it feels good do it. They are now the THOUGHT POLICE.

    Now here we are..... We are reaping what we sowed.

    I do have my wife and daughter on the highest pedestal where they have earned and deserve to be. Its a shame most men dont think of there wives being special.


  2. I was in Tucson when the coach of the women's basketball team was there.

    She was wonderful and eloquent. I thought she was right-on when she said everyone had to answer for this. "Why do we allow our men to call women ho's?" she asked. And she is right.

    Our language has devolved into something coarse, where vulgarity is embraced and is validated by being repeated by well-known persons of all colors. That word should be as unacceptable as the f-word, the s-word, and all racial pejoratives.

    I really wish the media would concentrate on the eloquence of that coach and the deep message she sent out. But no, they're focusing on the same old posse instead, when in fact there are plenty of fine black leaders (like the coach) who should be featured instead. (and, if you must know, when I first started writing it was for a very well educated group of black professional women who were teachers, lawyers, doctors, professors and deans of education. Any one of them would have been fine).

    Imus deserved to be lambasted for what he said, and it's a good thing he showed regret for saying them. Some people have said he was trying to be funny and hip. But this is no excuse for acting like a gangsta and not using his brain.

    As for losing his contracts --well, this is something that happens in business. It gets mixed up with outside political correctness all the time.

    But at least Imus still has the Ranch for kids and all the other charities he donates to. No one will ever take these good deeds away from him.

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Everybody get over this. Idiots like Imus should be expected to say idiot thing.


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