Friday, April 20, 2007

LAT Buyout Offer to be Announced Monday

No sooner do I arrive home tonight and log onto my favorite blog, LAObserved, and Kevin Roderick verifies a buyout is coming this Monday to the Los Angeles Times. My figures were much easier for the employees, I heard through the Times Grapevine 110 employees would be offered a buyout and was saddened to see the figure much higher.

Here's what Kevin has to say.

"A buyout offer to be announced Monday will try to cut 70 newsroom jobs, taking the editorial staff from 940 to around 870. Before Tribune took over the news staff was well over 1,000. Layoffs would likely follow if the buyouts don't induce the required number to leave — probably concentrated among the most experienced, and thus most expensive, reporters, editors, photographers and other staffers. A story posted at says the goal is 150 job cuts newspaper wide. This, of course, comes within about a year of two LAT publishers and the editor in chief warning Tribune that cuts of this magnitude would severely damage the paper's product and appeal to readers."

My plant manager assured me I will remain, and I appreciate his optimistic view, but the question is, how much longer will I stay with the newspaper? In the mean time I'm preparing to cut costs on the home front by eliminating LA Fitness, The Dish Network, and changing my cell phone to the lowest possible service plan. I'm just playing it safe, in case my number comes up one day soon.


  1. Wow. This is sobering news.

    btw.... did you get my email about lunch? We're going to reschedule for when it's warm and sunny. We'll be outside and enjoy the day. Right now it'd be cold, damp, and inside smells of wet dog!

  2. Kanani,

    I was running in circles because I lost my Internet connection. Buut all is well, and the problem solved.

    Yes I did get your message, and will be attending my brothers birthday party tomorrow.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Just cut your consumption of alcohol and stop going to all the nightclubs. If you do that, you may save enough money to buy The Times yourself, keep yourself on the payroll, and maybe even give yourself a raise.

    Problem solved!

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    cut Wayne Bean 1st. That will save about 150K per year. In my opinion - he is worse than worthless. Eddo


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.