Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Search Not Running

Brady Westwater, from LA Cowboy, ran a search for Zell at and came up with no matches on Monday, so I ran a search just moments ago and came up blank as well, is the search function down for the online edition?

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No matches found on search for: sam zell
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No matches found on search for: sam zell
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  1. Every few hours one gets different results. Sometimes you get Zell when it is capitalized - and sometimes you don't get it when it is capitalized. You never get any articles when his name isn't capitalized, but you do get his photos. And other times you get... nothing... no matter what you do.

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    The Big Question is Mr Zell going to put his interest for employee's first I don't think so most men who are billionares don't get rich by helping other's Mr Zell did not get where he is by helping middle class I hope we all can survive especially now that all tribune excutive's are keeping their jobs and who dug us in a hole at the times and have their golden parachute,and what about the Chandlers for having no faith in their own,but have faith in their billions its not going to get better what billionare care's we've all been wathing to many movies ,and reading too many fantasy articles the only way you get more like billion's is sqeeze the bottom feeders taking pensions,and esop's why would somebody pay 8billion with a 8billion dollar debt the sharks are circling hold on to your life jackets 401k's .esop some one wants it!


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