Friday, April 27, 2007

Save Our Trade: Pressroom Buy-Outs

Pressroom Buy-Outs

By Ronnie Pineda

I have asked David Rascon in Los Angeles and Charlie Laird in O.C. for the names of anyone who is interested in consideration for this current buy-out. I have spoke to Marty Keegan about this matter and according to David Hiller's letter, hourly employees in the pressroom would have to "Collectively Bargain" any buy-outs. Marty is going to notify The International and our Attorneys to see if the company could exclude our members to avoid "bargaining" pressroom buy-outs.

The purpose of Union Representation was not to block anyone from leaving, it is intended to protect those who choose to stay. Should the company be willing to bargain buy-out's at this time, (which is possible) it will certainly be an advantage to the interested pressroom employee to have representation in an effort to better the buy-out offer.

I believe that the majority of pressroom employees are breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Tribune is unable to look in our direction this time.

If you are interested in this buy-out, you can notify me here on and I will compile a list of interested pressroom employees to provide to our representatives.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM


    So you want the best of both worlds!

    I think you voted for one or the other but not both. Hummmmm how quick things change!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Mr. Ronnie Does seem the union is still runnining on a shoestring. Still going to you? No info on print? Remember 49 percent still wondering what the heck is going on. R.Satterlee

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Ed I dont know how you do it. I'm sure there are many intellegent people where you work but some of the people are just plain morons.(See previous comment) and its probably the same person again and again.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.