Thursday, April 12, 2007

A special request from my daughter. . .

On the news yesterday one of the big stories was the extension of the tour of duty for all soldiers currently serving in Iraq. My daughter, Candice Wedding, wondered all day long whether or not the announcement would affect her husband since he'd already received a 46-day extension. Then last evening the call came confirming that her husband, Thomas, would have his deployment extended to November or December, instead of September as she was previously told. My daughter is strong and mature, however it's hard on her to know that her husband of less than a year won't be home for an additional 7 months. She posted this bulletin on MySpace and I've decided to further her message by posting it here.

"Hey everyone,

I just received the official word that my husband's unit (and all of the Army units) will have their deployment extended for 90 days. That's a total of 455 days away at war...I'm asking you all for extra prayers and support, regardless of what you think about the President or this war. The extension affects the soldiers most, but it also has a huge impact on spouses, children, family, and friends that are patiently waiting for their loved ones return. Remember to keep all those in the military and their families in your thoughts and prayers, so they can return home to us as soon as possible.

Thank you!!!"

Once again, regardless how you feel about the President and this war, please show your support to the troops and their families.

Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts!


  1. The prayers are IN and the rest we'll leave to a higher power.

    God bless our troops. Love You!

    Hang in there!


  2. The prayers are IN and the rest we'll leave to a higher power.

    God bless our troops. Love You!

    Hang in there!



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