Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Take Back the Times: Sam Zell Gets The Tribune Company

Sam Zell Gets The Tribune Company

It will be interesting now to see whether Zell comes out to L.A. and what he says when he gets here. It is possible he realizes that changes have to be made not too far down the line, if he is to realize the profits from this deal he is said to require.

But the appearance here is that of an inside deal. I suppose we can untie David Hiller. It looks as if he will be the publisher of the Times for the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile, maybe we should send the Tribune board some food packages. It looks like they've been eating Chicago/s nororiously lousy food, and it has been warping their minds. Broad and Burkle would probably have been better, certainly more exciting and favorable to Los Angeles and California.

1 comment:

  1. Did I read correctly that there's a rule about a private company not being allowed by law to own a newspaper and a TV station in the same city?

    So I wonder if the paper will end up getting sold by Zell anyway.


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