Monday, May 07, 2007

Aramark vs CulinArt

CulinArt made a visit to the Square today, taking job applications from the Aramark employees, and they will visit Olympic tomorrow for the same process. From what I have been told, many of the cafeteria staff will be staying after Aramark leaves the Los Angeles Times on May 31st of this year.

My tipster at the Square tells me Aramark employees have not received a raise in two years, with CulinArt they will be given a one dollar per hour salary increase once they transfer to the new food service company. The employees at Aramark (at least at the Los Angeles Times) have not had sick days, so if they called in sick it was without pay, CulinArt will give the employees sick days.

One major issue among the food service workers was the possibility of no health care; CulinArt offers the same health care the workers currently have with Aramark. Add to this a bonus system CulinArt will give employees, that earn it, and it sounds like the new company will be good for the employees of Aramark.

I have to hand it to our cafeteria staff; they certainly do a great job, with only five people to staff our plant seven days per week.

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