Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blood Letting Continues at Los Angeles Times

At last night’s festival, in honor of John Garay, our human resources representatives were absent, after emailing they would be at the event. I have received word that Alma Perez was the latest victim of downsizing at the Los Angeles Times, and was let go yesterday.
Let’s hope this is but a bad rumor at Olympic, and not the truth.

Many Los Angeles Times employees are concerned that today will be their last day at the newspaper. If familiar faces are missing in the workplace tomorrow, we will assume the worst, they have left the company.

Events like this drags employee moral to new lows, which also makes the workers remaining at the newspaper wonder how much longer before they come after me?

UPDATE: Alma Perez is still with the newspaper, she attended a get together for two other human resources employees that have left the company last night.

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