Saturday, May 12, 2007

Foothill Cities - More on Pasadena - India Connection

More on Pasadena - India Connection

We've gotten a huge response to the news that Pasadena Now is outsourcing its news coverage to India, and we've tallied up the latest on the web (and in the comments).

The LAT Business section wrote up the case, noting of the two reporters that "one lives in Mumbai and will be paid $12,000 a year. The other will work in Bangalore for $7,200." More importantly, Macpherson isn't content with just two: "Macpherson plans to hire half a dozen more Indian reporters." Half a dozen? He's hiring a veritable army.

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  1. Well hell, Ed,
    I'm outsourcing my blog.
    Yes, that's right. I think it's entirely possible for a reporter in Mumbai to figure out what I'm thinking. He'll write about it each day.

    I'm sure you'll understand it all.

  2. Brilliant! Maybe I will too. ;)


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