Friday, May 04, 2007

Kent State May 4th, 1970

I was sixteen years old when this picture was taken at Kent State, and I still recall my anger at the establishment for killing four unarmed students and wounding of five by the gunfire from the Ohio National Guard, the picture was seen on the front pages of most major newspapers and magazines around the world.

If you’re unfamiliar with what was taking place at Kent State on May 4th, 1970, the students held a protest against the invasion of Cambodia by United States forces on the 25th of April of that year.

The reaction of the Los Angeles Police Department just three days ago at MacArthur Park, against the protesters and the media, sure brings back old memories of Kent State. Seems some things never really change.

An anonymous user sent a link that will keep you occupied for many hours, so be sure and add to your favorites list.

Click here, or on the title to jump to the page.
TIP: Click on picture to enlarge image.

1 comment:

  1. I was 18 on that day and I was attending university in Canada. I shared your anger on that day and that anger still leaves a taste in my mouth to this day.

    I think it is important to remember May 4th. In some ways I find it sad that the modern student movement does not actively remember the day that Nixon and those who support war culture, killed their own young.

    Great post. Thanks!



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