Friday, May 11, 2007


Is it not crazy that we have something called fire "season?" Season being the natural occurrence of weather change due to the orbit of the earth around the sun.

Okay, so I really think the word "season" is being misused, especially when it comes to fires being started by arsonists. In other words, the media is telling us this:

"This undefinable season with neither a start or end date makes loonies circle around dry brush, fall asleep with cigarettes in hand in scrub lands, or intentionally seek dry areas just to fulfill a fascination with flames. It's just a thing that happens to these people, it's an organic mental function that makes them behave this way. So we'll still call it a season even though it has as much to do with the position of the earth to the sun, as werewolves do to the appearance of a full moon."

Na, there is no fire season. There are only very sick people who start them.
But it does make me wonder whether or not arsonists turn into werewolves in the winter.
If so, watch for werewolf "season" on FOX-11.

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