Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Los Angeles Times Blogs

For all you book lovers the Los Angeles Times had added a new blog titled Jacket Copy, as of yesterday, I'm sure this will grab Kanani's attention. The new Times blog is written by David Ulin and should prove to be another fine blog.

I'm unsure if this will be a regular blog the Times publishes, but the first entry, by Meredith Artley, Executive Editor, explains the changes taking place at the Times online edition. Comments are currently open regarding the changes at Evolution of a Website.

Kathy Price-Robinson has written about remodeling for 17 years, focusing both on the process of home improvement, as well as the product. She writes for both consumer and contractor magazines, and her award-winning series, Pardon Our Dust, has appeared in the Real Estate section of The Times since 1997. She lives in a house with good bones and a lot of potential, and shares her life with one husband, one dog, two horses and three quite exceptional stepdaughters.

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