Saturday, May 19, 2007

Save Our Trade: Fools Rush In

Fools Rush In

By Dave Rascon

"We have a long road ahead of us and it’s important that we have patience. It is equally important that we explore every possible way to reach a contract that’s good for the employees and good for our newspaper. This process is going to take time. There is still a small group of employees who wish to campaign against the union, and I say its time wasted. Since Jan. 6th. 2007 we have moved on and can’t keep on addressing things that do not matter at this point. Rumors are just unverified reports and mis-information that cloud the facts."


"It’s has also been brought to my attention that our pressroom manager has made some demands of press operators, press crews, and reel room coordinators, and not to mention our service shops, whereas in making these demands he continually uses poor judgment in the way he speaks with employees. Please do not be insubordinate and just do what he asks, we will deal with these issues at an appropriate time. After all John Walker is just being himself. His career has been plagued with big mistakes not only at the Times but at other newspapers."

David's complete letter can be accessed by clicking on the title of this post or clicking on the blue underlined link.

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