Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Take Back the Times: CBS Web Should Screen, Not Kill, Obama E-Mails

CBS Web Should Screen, Not Kill, Obama E-Mails

The New York Times reported yesterday that the CBS News Web Site, alarmed at the number of bigoted comments it has been getting on presidential candidate Barack Obama, has decided to block all comments coming from its e-mailers on the Illinois senator.


CBS News and other Web sites have an obligation, it seems to me, to screen out all clearly bigoted or improper comments on any subject for Web sites. The New York Times routinely does this. Anyone can submit a comment, but ones that are clearly inappropriate or overly vitriolic do not appear. The New York Times has hired a number of screeners for this purpose.

Freedom of speech does not give one the right to yell fire in a crowded theatre, and Obama and other candidates have a right not to be subjected to bigoted remarks. A distinction must be drawn with partisan remarks, which are fine in a free society.

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