Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Drama Mama List

Kanani Fong tagged me to do a Drama Mama list. After you read this, the 3 people that I am tagging will be named!

Ten Obscure Things You Never Wanted To Know About Me

  1. When I was a teenager a man approached my friend Tom and myself with an offer too good too be true, brand new color television sets for $25.00 each. I gave the stranger $50.00 and Tom gave him $25.00, and the man left us with the promise to return in ten minutes with the new TV’s, that he claimed to have stole, that were in his truck around the back of the building we had parked in front of. We never saw him again, and were too embarrassed to call the police, and reveal how dumb we were.
  2. One Christmas I was so broke I delivered telephone books to buy my children Christmas presents, hoping no one from the newspaper saw me.
  3. I cannot stand the sight of blood, have almost passed out the three times I have attempted to donate blood.
  4. Black widow spiders scare me.
  5. My father’s parents raised me from the age of four till I was eighteen, and I always wondered where my mother lived, and was crushed to learn she lived but five miles from where I grew up in Alhambra.
  6. Photography was the career I really wanted, but my father and grandfather talked me out of pursuing my dream. Yet, I’m often seen with a camera in my back pocket, ready for that perfect shot.
  7. I was a model for Love N Stuff clothing for one year, and my posters were in all the malls back in 1972, and they allowed me to keep all the clothing I posed in. With my hair in a ponytail, I had to wear shorthaired wigs; long hair was not in fashion at the time.
  8. Marijuana makes me feel paranoid, so I do not use it, but I feel it should be legalized in the States, even though this would cause half the prisons to close.
  9. I witnessed my first UFO six years ago, and filed a report with MUFON, which can still be viewed online.
  10. Telephones bother me, especially when they ring off the hook, I much rather exchange emails or text messages with others. And for everyone that has left a voice message for me, I’ll return your calls ASAP.

And now I am tagging the following three. It was a bit hard, but some of the others have already been hit this week. So here are some new ones.

  1. My new blogger friend from Minnesota, Speedcat Hollydale
  2. My old friend Jesse Espinoza, LATimes Pressmen's Forums
  3. The cat lady Darleene from , Darleeneisms


  1. That's funny I was just thinking of those posters recently...I saw a poster in a dressing room that reminded me of one .... Also Lynn and I had a laugh the other day...We were parked next to a Lincoln and at the same time we both said LinCOLN...Do you remember Gabby and the way she pronounced it? lol A lifetime ago..

  2. I hate spiders!

    Hey there Ed :-) I have never been tagged before (and didn't really know what it meant) but I like the idea. I am short on time tonight, but you can count me "in" on this one.....I also liked the TV story!

    Speedy H.

  3. Dang. I'm a cat lady??????

    Thank God I'm married.


  4. I did it! Sorry for the delay Ed, I just put in 38 hours in the last 3 days. Wheww ;~) See you later my friend.

    Hi CatLady...ha haa!! (I am a cat too)


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