Friday, June 08, 2007

Poor Little Rich Girl Jailed Again

With all the ado over Paris Hilton I find it rather hard to remain silent on the subject, seems my favorite blogs are presenting this so called news to me if I want it or not.

With Paris only serving three days of a twenty-three day sentence, then released to house arrest, people like you and I were left wondering if the laws for our land are not equal when your famous or rich? It’s rather obvious the laws of the land are not fair, when it comes down to how much money one has in their checking account to determine if one is jailed or not.

While I cleaned floors this morning I had Bill Handel blaring on the radio, he explained how Paris’ three days in jail counted as five days. Last Sunday she entered the jail at 11:58p.m, and that counted as a full day served, and she was released just before 2:00 a.m. on Thursday morning, and that was also counted as a full day served.

Let’s hope the sheriff’s department doesn’t count officers overtime in the same manner as they do time served, or the taxpayers will go broke very soon.


  1. sandlot1The original sentence was 45 days,with good behavior a reduction to 23 days. Than they are only expected to serve 10% of the half time sentence. I have an idea.... how about the offender serve all of the time required without any exceptions.

    IF I was the judge I would make Momma Hilton do jail time time for FAILING HER DAUGHTER. She was a horrible parent , She is the reason this girl is a joke.


  2. I agree this girl is a joke and a spoiled brat but that doesn’t change the fact that she is being treated like a ping pong ball between the judge and the sheriff! The “system” has a problem..... they should fix that. She was given a sentence of 45 days, dropped to 23 days and now because of a decision by the sheriff and the judge, a squad car pulls up to her house, she is handcuffed and taken back to court and told that she must serve the full 45 day sentence. Regardless of what we think of the “poor little rich girl” this doesn’t seem right to me.

  3. Hallelujah!!! Next season on "The Simple Life"....Paris does FOLSOM!!!!


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