Sunday, June 24, 2007

Social Networks

Most people working in the newspaper industry have heard of Craig’s List, MySpace, and Face Book, as newspaper executives attempt to place the blame for falling revenues on these social networks that accept and publish free advertising online.

Personally, I don’t care much for Craig’s List, as the advertisements seem so out of order, but that’s my opinion. Many enjoy Craig’s List as new sites spring up in cities across the country.

I joined MySpace at the urging of my daughter Kristine several years ago, and use it when I have the time, which seems to be once per week if that. The problem with MySpace is the backgrounds some users insert into their pages, the text is completely un-readable, and the animations are so intense my computer locks up.

Two weeks ago Kate Coe sent an invitation to join Face Book, and being curious about the network, I joined. If you don’t know Kate, she’s one of the two writers on Fishbowl L.A., and a good friend of Nikki Finke’s.

The users at Face Book are made up of mostly younger college educated people, and are not filled with the graphic’s you find on MySpace. This is much more to my liking; if you’re not a member of Face Book take a peek, and after you register add me as a friend.
You can locate my profile by searching for Edward Padgett.
UPDATE: I have been informed Nikki Finke and Kate Coe are not good friends, and have never met face to face, my error folks. 06.25.07 3:47 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. While indeed, I have never met Nikki, I have the utmost respect for her professional capabilities. You and I have never met, either, and are we friends?


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