Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Are We in a Recession?

As Tribune Employees across the country wait patiently for positive news regarding June advertising revenues, I’m afraid we will see a third month in a row of double digit declines from a year prior. Gauging this decline in advertising by the much slimmer Sunday Los Angeles Times I have delivered, when will the bottom be reached in the newspaper divisions?

Consumers have slowed their spending frenzy due too the lack luster housing market, price increases across the board for food, postage rates, tightened credit, and services. Last January of 2006 I paid nine dollars for a haircut, my barber has increased his prices five times since then, I now pay fourteen dollars for the same haircut, yet the government will report only a slight rise in inflation.

When a worker loses their job and enters the unemployment roles, why is it, after they exhaust their unemployment benefits they have paid into, they are no longer counted as unemployed?

Our economy can be directly measured by the size of your local newspaper, and judging by the size of the Los Angeles Times, our economy is hurting at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. "Our economy can be directly measured by the size of your local newspaper, and judging by the size of the Los Angeles Times, our economy is hurting at the moment."

    Ed.... your living in the past, the world has changed and left the newspaper industry behind, just look at the circulation numbers!

    Advertisers are still spending money but only where they can get the most “bang for the buck”..... and my friend that is no longer in newspapers! Gone forever are the “glory days” for newspaper advertising!


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