Saturday, July 28, 2007

An Awesome Experience

Have you ever seen the commercial where the troops are entering the airport and waiting passengers begin to applaude?

Well, I had the opportunity to experience that very same scenario while awaiting my flight on Thursday morning at Ontario Airport. And, I must say it was an experience second to that of seeing my first-born child for the first time! It was one I will never forget.

After giving up my seat on my initial flight (and reaping the benefits for doing so), I was just sitting and waiting for departure, a group of uniformed soldiers entered my waiting section. To see them initially gave me chills, as I wasn't sure if they were there to represent Homeland Security or to report to their assigned duties. Fortunately, they were there to welcome troops returning from Iraq.

As passengers deplaned, they saw an elderly gentleman wearing a veterans hat. They greeted him with handshakes and words of respect. And his smile clearly displayed his appreciation for the recognition he received.

Then, came the troops. OMG! As they exited the walkway from the plane, the chills took over me, the applause began, camera flashes came out of nowhere and tears streamed from adults and children alike.

Afterwards, the troops gathered in a group, listened to their instructions, and were on their way. I have a couple of pictures to post after my return to SoCal.

To see this gives one a renewed appreciation for our freedom and those who make it possible.

God Bless Our Troops!


  1. I'm so glad you had this opportunity! Until my daughter married a soldier I had no idea what military wives/husbands and families go through. I'm always impressed by the kindness the troops show to the different from the Viet Nam era I grew up in! And, I know of many veterans groups who actively support the troops in combat now. Our members of the military need all the support they can get. Please pray for them daily.

  2. This was a very touching story, wish I were present, but your words brought me very close to the feel of what happened. Made my eyes water up, and brought a big smile to my face as well.


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