Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bob Bagwell to Celebrate 60 Years with the Los Angeles Times

On August 4th, 2007 Robert Bagwell will mark sixty years working at the Los Angeles Times.

And I would like to add, Bob started his Times career in the pressroom.

I snapped this picture of Bob with LA Times publisher David Hiller at the celebration for the Times 125th year in business party last year.

Bob Bagwell’s 60th anniversary with the Los Angeles Times celebration is Monday, August 6 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm in the 5th floor salon in the Times Building.

For more information contact Melinda Marquez 213-237-6370

A video crew will be on hand at Olympic this Thursday for comments in celebration of this unheard of event, and group photographs will also be taken.

I hope my boss allows me to attend?


  1. That's so cool. I don't know anyone who has worked 60 years at one place!
    Working is probably what keeps him going.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Bob lost his wife a few years ago, so working at the newspaper keeps him going.


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