Sunday, July 22, 2007

Los Angeles Blogosphere Today

Sean Bonner from Blogging L.A. is on vacation and blogging from Japan today.
David Markland is in love with a fellow blogger, and I don't blame him, she's a ten!
Brady Westwater is in love with the new Ralph's Market that opened Friday in downtown Los Angeles.
Kevin Roderick comments on the comments regarding the passing of Theresa Duncun.
Ken Reich revisits his 1958 trip to Italy today.
Nikki Finke has a well deserved day off.
Matt Welch is busy writing his new book and entertains us with videos from the past.
Militant Angeleno blogs about little Armenia and the festival yesterday.
Zuma Dogg is being Zuma Dogg.
Brian Humphrey blogs about a man killed on the subway tracks yesterday.
Kanani Fong reviews a new book, The Penderwicks.
Boi from Troy would like you to buy him a birthday present.
Kate Coe is also enjoying a restful day.
Centinel from Foothill Cities didn't take my advice and got married.
I'm off to Apple Valley for a small family reunion in a few minutes.


  1. Thank you!
    Actually, The Penderwicks is 2 years old, but it just came to Target the other day!

    I like it because it's a return to the type of storytelling that I read as a kid. No whiz bang gimickry... just kids doing things!

  2. yeah, yeah...This thread already came up in a google search for "zuma-dogg". thanks!


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