Monday, July 02, 2007

The Return of Al Martinez to the Los Angeles Times

The Nine Writers with Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Al Martinez (in Orange). (back, left) David, Vanessa, Kanani, John, Karine, Paul, Rocky. (L-front) Jo, Al Martinez, & Sovann.
Kanani Fong is a contributor here.
My Los Angeles Times is rarely read, but today I happened to have all the time in the world since I’m off work for nine days. Today Al Martinez returned to the newspaper, as I searched for his first story, since he was terminated at the newspaper, I was a bit puzzled when I could not locate his article in the Calendar section. So I moved on to the main section of the Times, and still unable to find anything by Mr. Martinez, I scanned the index and discover he was moved to the California section of the newspaper.

In what we all thought was Mr. Martinez’ last article in the Times, he stated he did not know how to say goodbye. Today, he didn’t know how to say hello, made me smile from ear too ear.

Welcome back Al Martinez

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