Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some Things DO Pay Off In the End

I recall a day in January, 2006, that I was speaking to a coworker about him having registered in an MPA Program. He was one that I would’ve never imagined going back to school.

After asking many questions, I wondered if I could get into the program. I weighed my circumstances. With me having only work, no children in the nest and no romantic involvement, I decided to inquire. It was “last minute” but, remarkably, I was able to get in just before the first class.

I clearly remember reviewing my first syllabus and wondering: “WTF have I gotten myself into?” Then, after attending about four weeks of classes, decided to hang in there and make this a mission that I’ve wanted to accomplish since graduating undergrad. It was tough (most times); the projects, the papers, no free weekends, taking books on vacations, the Writing Proficiency Exam, the GRE, etc., but always keeping in mind “The Mission.”

So…here I am on the last leg of the mission. Last class of the curriculum! Seven more Tuesday nights. August 28th and classes are done! December 1st & 2nd …COMPS! May, 2008, I get the COLLAR I’ve wanted forever and a sense of accomplishment equal to that of raising my children as a single parent!!!!

I’d like to share the most recent email received from the college. I LOVE IT!

Some Things DO Pay Off In the End!

“Attached is the form that you will need to fill out in order to graduate with you MPA degree. Please do so soon, and send it back to me with your graduation fee. You should be very proud of your accomplishments thus far, and I know your graduation will be a time of great celebration. Comps are just around the corner so best of luck to all of you!”


Patti Burleson
Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning
California State University at Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, Calif. 91330-8362



  1. Congratulation Nubia, all your hard work has now paid off.

  2. Congratulations Nubia,
    Knowledge never comes easy. Wisdom teaches us that throughout our lives. Be Proud!

  3. Thanks, Guys! One more hurdle and it's on!

    Keep me in your prayers!


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