Thursday, July 12, 2007

Take Back the Times: O'Shea Drastically Cuts Back L.A. Times Poll

I've compared the Chicago-toadying L.A. Times editor, James O'Shea, in the past to Pierre Laval, the Vichy prime minister in occupied France during World War II, whose protestations of loyalty to France were cut short only when de Gaulle executed him for treason after the war was over.

The last time I did this I received a comment protesting the characterization as excessive.

However, I believe the comparison is quite apt. Like Laval, O'Shea continually protests his loyalty to the L.A. Times, even while falling all over himself to follow the orders of Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimons to cut costs, lay off personnel and otherwise shepherd the L.A. Times into becoming a more and more inferior product. O'Shea certainly will not end up being executed for his depredations, but I'm confident that one day, and fairly soon, he will be ridden out of Los Angeles on a rail, viewed as a disgrace.

Continue reading by clicking on link below.

O'Shea Drastically Cuts Back L.A. Times Poll

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