Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Car Fifty-Four Where Are YOU?

The thefts in the Los Angeles Times men’s locker room at the Olympic Facility, has jumped genders. A presswomen has had her locker broken into, and at this time I do not know if her debit card or credit card was taken, but I do know the card taken was used at Yum Yum Donuts.

I’m still waiting for Wells Fargo Bank and Washington Mutual to return my email regarding the exact times my cards were used at Yum Yum Donuts.

I was approached by a colleague yesterday that had just returned from a ten-day vacation, and asked about the break-ins he had just heard about. He mentioned that his Master combination lock was not turning easily any longer. After telling him what was occurring in our locker room, he immediately headed to his locker to remove his cell phone, car keys, and wallet from his locker. And questioned why management at our plant had not posted a memo regarding the thefts, which I had no answer for.

After speaking with Mike LaPerruque, department head of security for the Los Angeles Times, I was convinced to file a report with the Los Angeles Police Department. Yesterday Sergeant Akbar Syed called the LAPD at 1:30 p.m. requesting an officer come by the Times Oly plant so I could file a report, we are still awaiting for an officer to come by at this time.

Mr. LaPerruque mentioned he spent twenty-two years with the Los Angeles Sherriff Department, and felt having the LAPD on site would send a message out, that he will longer tolerate the thefts.


  1. Obviously the person stealing the cards has a thing for Yum Yum Doughnuts! Maybe you guys should set up surveillance at the doughnut store. . .

    I'm also glad to hear that someone at the Times is taking this seriously. It's not the amount of money being taken, it's the violation of your personal space and the potential for worse crimes to be committed. Please continue to keep us posted.

  2. I guess you guys will have to start wearing those little fanny packs to work.


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