Sunday, August 26, 2007

Eye Level Pasadena Blogger Picnic

Jill and Gavin Doughtie held their second blogger picnic yesterday, and it went off extremely well with anywhere from twenty-five to thirty bloggers and users present. Many of us met for the first time face to face, but bloggers are extroverts, so it did not feel like we had never met before and we all got along very well. Pictured at the left is Edward with Aaron Proctor, a very fun man to be around.

Nubia from this blog was also in attendance as well as Kanani and David.

Todd Ruiz, writer for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune was on hand, and had some interesting stories on his travels across the planet. Todd writes a blog titled Under the Dome, which can be accessed from our favorite links.

Larry Wilson, editor of the Pasadena Star News, also joined the group and can be read online at Public Eye.

The Foothill Cities bloggers Centinel and Publius posed for this picture at the bottom of post, now to figure out who's Publius and who's Centinel as everyone in the group held up a sign with one of their names?

Group photo by Debbie Swanson Patrick


  1. I wish I would have received the invite sooner Ed, Looks like all of you had a great time! I hope to attend future events to meet and mingle amongst our fellow bloggers.

  2. Bloggers ROCK!!!!!!

    Had a BLAST! Please join me on FACEBOOK!

    Until next time...


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Like Ronnie, I wish I'd been able to attend as well. Next time, I hope!

  5. Hey, was cool meeting you Ed! Let's keep in touch -- T

  6. Todd,

    It was great meeting you as well, and I enjoy your blog too! Hope we can get together again, would love too hear more about your travels.

  7. I caught Robin on abc7 news this morning. Grillin' up a storm with Garth Kemp!

    Brought back memories of the Bloggers gathering in Pasadena when he graced us with his AWESOME bbq!

    Keep grillin', Robin!



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