Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Days and Bad Days

The past week has been better than the previous two weeks with two different blogger parties, and a make over of my blog, so I thought there would be no more tears. How wrong was I?

As I drove over to Starbucks for my usual cafĂ© mocha, I recalled all the Sunday’s Bryan and I would visit Venice Beach, as we did three weeks ago, and a terrible emptiness consumed me. I realized I would not be seeing Bryan again, and the tears resumed once again.

Our last day together was festive, so I’m thankful we parted in good spirits, but I miss Bryan so much right now.

Have a great day.


  1. Tears become gems in heaven, gifts for those who are no longer with us. You're in my prayers, man.

  2. Edward,

    I lost my last comment, but will try it again.

    I had the unfortunate experience of loosing a loved one on more than one occasion. However, I can't begin to imagine the loss of a child.

    The loss (in my circumstances) was overwhelming at times, and there were times that I felt the anger would consume me. However, as time passed, I learned that nothing would help me but prayer. I prayed, time and time again, that God would lift the anger and hurt of me loosing that special person.

    It took time, but we come to realize that with time comes healing. This will be the case with you as well.

    Bryan is now with his loved ones in heaven and has been deemed as the guardian angel over his loved ones on earth. Take solace in this.

    It doesn't mitigate the hurt of loosing him, but it still gives us something to be positive about. I understand words can't/won't make the pain any less, but know this:

    Your friends are here for you. Take advantage of the opportunity to cry on those shoulders that are offered to you. Cry, unashamedly, when the need arises. Pray for deliverance from this grief.

    Most of all, know that your friends are here for ultimate support. We love you, Edward.

    It will be okay.

    Your friend in prayer,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ed, those moments when your all alone and thinking about Bryan, know that he is right there with you. As spiritual beings we continue to dwell amongst our loved ones on Earth as well as in Heaven. Bryan's spirit, energy and love for his family and friends is now eternal and endless.

    He misses all of you just as much, but his comfort comes from knowing that we will all join eachother again when God calls us home.

    Love you CUZ!

  5. Doug,

    I know it's hard to lose a child. Perhaps the death of a child is the cruelest loss of all. It will get easier with time and someday the pain will subside enough to be bearable. I believe with all my heart that Bryan is everywhere you are so talk to him, tell him how much you love him and be open to feeling him as well.

    Call me anytime you need to.

    God bless you always,


  6. Something so painful is going to sting for a long time. I'm not trying to sound "funny" or "sarcastic".

    Take solace in your family and friends. You have a beautiful soul, my friend, and you're doing the best thing right now: venting and letting your feelings pour out.

    It's a shame something so tragic had to happen to such a jovial and great guy.

  7. things like this happen . When we least expect it tears will flow and we will think of our loved one.

    You are also in my prayers

    Don G


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